Chemical and chemical engineering applications require continuous research and development, analysis & troubleshooting. Avato Laboratory (Pvt) Ltd, a sister company of Watercare Technologies Pvt Ltd plays a significant role in the water treatment, chemical trading and chemical formulation process.
Avato Laboratory has designed its state-of-the-art laboratory to perform analysis and sampling services to precisely detect the presence of particular parameters in water, food, soil and commodities samples taken from any industrial source.

In order to maximize performance and protect people from danger, our special ISO/IEC 17025 certified laboratory analysis solutions assist in improving testing protocols, necessary treatment, environmental hygiene program validation, and regulatory compliance processes.
What We Do
We are experts in addressing, analyzing, and interpreting industrial water issues. We concentrate on on-site testing, culture tests, quality tests, chemical, and microbiological tests at our accredited laboratory.
Testing the particular sources on microbiological, chemical and other parameters including the chemical make-up of water, food, soil and other commodities.
To evaluate the quality, underlying system parameters and safety, tests on water corrosion, scale, and pollutants.
Analyzing sanitation and looking for environmental organisms growing in spa waters, cooling towers, and swimming pools.
Provide opinion, interpretation and illustrate recommendations for process improvements